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I miss the kids

I'm a ballet teacher and our school has been closed last week.
I thought at the time it was a wise decision and I still agree with that.
Each day I had to travel by train, and I got quite some colds from other people.

My day is completely different from teaching little children, youngsters and grown-up, from uncoordinated movement to very well trained artistic expressions.

I try to keepsome structure in the day, but it's difficult, living alone.
So I've put an alarm far away from my bed, on repeat...
I have to go out and stretch far to get it.

Ofcourse I do some exercises to keep my condition and traingslevel.
I try to eat healthy, but here in The Netherlands many shops have closed, and I don't feel like going into overcrowded supermarkets with empty shelves.

Sometimes I feel locked up, and I'm happy to call someone, talk on skype or use the internet.
It helps me too to do more exercises.
It's said that we can go outside and exercise. But I don't feel like running through emtpy streets. They make me feel depressed, so I stay away from that.
I also stay away from drama of other people.

What helps me too is photographing the tree in front of the house.
Spring has touched it.
And I have hobbies. I crochet a lot.

I don't miss my family. Some people assume I do.
We have lots of contact and we're used to being physically away from each other.
But I do miss the little balletgirls.
Those tiny ones, in their fancy pink skirts,with thosetiny little shoes, with ribbons that seem too large for them.

I've had some nice drawings from them in the mail. Some skype with me,and show the movements they have learned.
So for those who like it I pick a movement, show how it's done, tell the parents why, and what to look for, so their kids learn the right thing, and I have asked to record it. So little by little online lessons are made.

We all need to make this a good time.

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