Breaking News

Daily report october 23, The Netherlands


New positives :  10.007 (9281)

To hospital      :      238 (232)

Deceased         :       47 (46)

At hospital      : 2073 (2003) 

At IC               :  472 (463)   

At C-ward       : 1601


  • Amsterdam (743)
  • Rotterdam (558)
  • Den Haag  (349)

Last week an estimated number of 3200 people have died in The Netherlands. That means 400 people more than expected.

The transport of patients to IC's in Germany has started.

It's forbidden to serve alcohol in bars, restaurants and hotels, and by roomservice, after 20.00 hours until 07.00 hours.. 

The Healthinspection wants a registered doctor at the commercial testlocations.

The Frenchspeaking part of Belgium has a curfew between 22.00 and 06.00 hours. Until 19 november.
The rest of Belgium stays inside from 24.00 hours to 05.00 hours.

Germany reported more than 11.000 new corona positives: 11.242
Total: 403.291 positives and 9954 deceased. 49 the last day.

France (67 million inhabitants) has reached 1 million Covidcases. The 7th country in the world.
Last day 42.000 people were diagnosed with Covid-19, leading to a total of 1.041.075.

Italy registered 19.143 cases.

Luxemburg faces new restrictions. People have to stay inside between 23.00 and 06.00 hours, and social contacts are limited.


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