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Call from the nephrologist .. a bad one


Had an appointment with the nephrologist which was changed into a phone-call.
I don't like talks on the phone. I can't see the other person, I wonder if the other person, like a doctor who sees so many people, knows who she is talking to. 
And I have the strange feeling that there should be no silence.

So I don't feel at ease, don't feel the rest I exerience when I'm at the hospital face to face with my doctor.

My nephrologist is nice, but I kind of miss her personality on the phone.
It's good to see her smile during a consultation.
So I miss that too.

Covid however put us both in this situation.

So the call went like a train at full speed.

How I felt.
I forgot to tell I experienced pain in my left kidney, have pain in my legs. 

So the labresults were as expected. One way or another I always keep calcium, potassium and such under control. 

She didn't mention my glucose, so it must have been off again, and I forgot to ask.
She asked if I managed to get my meds sorted.... So I told her about the new GP and how unhappy I am with her.
She asked why I still hadn't had my eye check up. 'Guess they have postponed it to the next year because of Covid.'
Later I thought that maybe they had put an appointment in the files without informing me there was something in the files.

Then suddenly she said she was going to refer me back to my GP.
I was amazed.
But considering the non-existent relationship with the present GP and my search for a new one we agreed that I see the nurse once more and she doesn't send the final letter until she gets the all clear.

Left: anemia.
Yep, anemia again. 'That explains the tiredness'. Pity she didn't ask if I had forgotten to tell her more of my problems....
But as often the unexplained anemia corrects itself, she decided not to treat it.
She agreed I would inform her if I felt it lowered more.

She asked if I was a vegetarian. 'No, I like a piece of meat with my dinner once in a while'.
'Do you follow a secial diet?'
I said 'no'.

Which was downright stupid, as I do. And she knows.
That happens with me on the phone.

I follow a kind of complicated diet, but I'm so used to it that I regard it as normal, but it isn't.

And I forgot to ask for an echo, as I intended.

So the call was a bad one from my side.

Afterwards I had the feeling I was once more moved to the care of the GP to make place for corona patients.
Feeling forgotten by the system, as my cardiology appointments have disappeared, was already a small issue.
Let's say it has grown.

I feel lost.
Can't find a good GP, no one cares how I feel, but two friends who live abroad.

I should be happy that I'm referred back....
But I'm not.

Presenting me to a researchteam as vulnerable, and the next week pushing me to a GP.

I had the feeling she was on my side in caring for my health, and that's over.


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