Breaking News

Daily report october 22, The Netherlands


New positives   :  9283 (8764)

To hospital        :   238 (232)

Deceased          :     46 (59)

At hospital     : 2003   (1943) 

At IC             :   463 (450)   

At C-ward     : 1540


  • Amsterdam (805)
  • Rotterdam (677)
  • Den Haag  (446)

In contrast to the first wave, almost all admissions to the IC are referrals from the Covid-wards.

The increase at the IC is now larger than the increase at the C-wards.

Half of the IC bedsd are now used by Covid patients.

The burden on the caresystem is increasing, not only in hospitals, but also in carehomes, at GP's

Kuipers calls it a tsunami. He expects an increase in hospital admissions until at least the end of the month.

The doubling which was seen in Belgium and Germany is also seen in The Netherlands. 1000 cases 15 days ago and now over 2000.

Next week 1350 IC beds will be added, and 7 fast test streets, with the support of the military.

For the first time in Germany 10.000 new positives were registered in one day.

The Czech Republic reports almost 15.000 new cases.

The RedTeam, a multidisciplinairy group of 12 experts, suggests a strict lockdown to combat the virus.


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