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Noise pollution


I try to work from home, which is very hard.
The children have questions, my wife wants to know if I want another coffee, my mother calls for some contact... It feels like I am discturbed every 10 minutes.

It irritates me a bit, but I understand why it happens, so it's just a moment and then the irritation is gone.

What bothered me far more today was what happened outside.

We have a small garden. So I was there to get some fresh air and clear my mind, because working at home makes me think about work all day and night.

I waas trying to get away from neighbouring noise too.
They have the radio on and I can hear a vibration through the floor.
One can only so much ignore it. I've found out that having some silence and then concentrating on work again enables me to close it out.

So I was enjoying the silence outside, fresh air... and I felt some relaxation at last.

And then....

Some %^&*() person turned on their own music so loud and so fast, it was like exploding in my head.
It scared the hell out of me, for a moment.

Now I'm trying to escape from the noise.
Can't leave the house.
Can't turn my radio on and put it so loud to close out that noise pollution, because my own neighbours will be bothered, and I don't want that.

Why don't those people use a headplug, and plug themselves in the soundsystem when they want to blow their brains out?

So now I asked my daughter for her old headphones. Stuff them up with old socks and put them on.
I hope it works.

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