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Dutch increase slowing down?

The Dutch health authorities published positive news: the statistics show that the rise in cases is slowing down.

Critics point out that even fewer cases than before were tested, old people are left at home to die there (so don't show up in Corona statistics), and cases haven't been reported due to a lag in administration.

Others state positive effects can be seen at the end of the week, not at the moment, as the slowing down is expected based on the fact that more people stay inside and won't infect others, thus slowing the spread.

Most people compare this to the statements that next week such a huge rise in cases will be seen that not enough beds will be available.
At the moment 600 to 644 people are admitted at the IC, next week 1600 are expected, of whom 1100 corona patients.

But these statements can't be compared.

The decrease in cases means less people will be admitted to the IC, but none explained how long people are confined to the IC and how long it will take to recover.
So the new admissions will be added to the people who are already there, with less people leaving, as people need ventilation during several days.

Some people at TV have been telling how they experienced it to be a corona patient. It's a horrible  disease, with attacks on multiple organs, migraine like headache and a lot more.
The lack of breath, chestpain and even more is considered by some a 'hell on earth'.

People are not tested unless admitted to hospital, but many have been told not to go there.

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