Breaking News

Yes, I'm afraid

Had a talk with my sister.
We never speak each other over the phone, as we live a few streets apart in the same village.
So it was a bit strange.

We both stay at home.
She has made the choice all by herself.
I got a message from the government, because I'm considered to be at risk.
My immunity is low because of chemo treatment.
I just finished my last session when the virusproblems started.

The scan to decide if the treatment has been a success is postponed.
My doctor phoned me to tell that and also told me he wouldn't be available, as he is on the Covid-19 team.

So I know where he is working.

I'm afraid and worry all the time.
I know I shouldn't do that.
But he's such a kind person, and so many horrible stories ....

I'm not used to being worried about myself.
When I heard I got cancer I said: 'We're going to beat it, one way or another'.
But now they can't even look if it has gone smaller.
I just have to believe it has.

I worry most about that virus getting at me.
So I'm not doing my own shopping, but a girl from one of the neighbours goes to the shop.
Each time I say she has to buy something for herself too, but she doesn't even buy a bar of chocolate.
So when this all is over I'll surprise her with something substantial.
What she does means more than fetching a few groceries.

She also cut some branches away from the tree, so I could see the street from my window.
Took them with me, to prevent me going outside to throw them away.

I hear people help each other far more than the past years.
But the reason is not good at all.

I hope people stay safe and not many will die.
Not the young ones.

And I hope I won't die.
I haven't fought so hard against the cancer to be taken by a virus I can't even see.


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