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KH-Meme 5

  1. Which is the largest city you have ever been?
    Can you tell ussomething about your visit?
  2. Where do you like to go for a holiday?

The Keep Happy meme is a daily meme that will be found here on the site during the Corona crisis.
Today you'll get a few questions and it's upto you which one you'll answer or if you'll answer all. That's up to you.
Publish it in the comments, or on your site, providing a link to this site. Download the image under this and paste it on your own site. Put a message in the comments, so I can visit you.
Be aware not to direct link, because the link will die due to a change of name.
Give me the url in the comments so I can visit your answers.


See you tomorrow!!

1 comment:

  1. 1. Which is the largest city you have ever been?
    2. Can you tell us something about your visit?
    It was a schooltrip. The teacher got lost, so we were too late for dinner... I didn't mind.But some complained a lot. The bed and breakfast was OK. Saw the Louvre, Eifeltower, and someother tourist attractions.My group had tointerviews someone,and she turned to be from London...LOL!
    3. Where do you like to go for a holiday?
    I think the people are nice.
