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Week 3 of isolation

The Monday I spent with editing for school, other homework and did some baking.
I realized I wasn’t doing the workouts that we got from school the last couple of days.
I think my motivation and energy just got down a bit.
Tried to bring that up again.

Changed my ballet and point class for my students and made sure I had the instruments ready to film the classes.
At night listened to the new press conference.

That Wednesday I reminded my housemates of the fact that I had a cold and tightness in my chest. They knew this already because it was something I had also the week before. But wasn’t alarmed just aware and kept track of my health.
However, last night, the prime minister said that with symptoms you need to stay home and if you share communal space those people too.
I felt it was something to communicate to my housemates, out of care for them.
One of them is a nurse and, as I heard that day, works at a ward with corona patients.
She urged me to call my GP.
I explained to her I won’t get tested, because I don’t work in a vital job.
They just have plans to make more test available for healthcare workers outside the hospital.
In the future they also hope to test ‘normal’ people.
And it might just be a cold like I always have this time of the year.

She said I should call, because she works at the hospital.
So, I did. And as I expected I need to go in quarantine and everybody that lives here.
So, the boyfriend that was over till Sunday too.
I shared that with them.
The housemate that works in the hospital said she can’t and won’t go in Q. (Which I understand she is needed and I really appreciate the job that she and her colleges are doing.)

She directly told me what I should and definitely couldn’t do.
Most things I was already doing, e.g. in my student house not everybody keeps up with our cleaning schedule, so   I already was cleaning the house more often, even when it was not my turn.
Actually cleaning, not just wiping.

Found out she was still going to the store.
And that day her boyfriend was over again.
I get it, love.

Found myself feeling responsible, but I only can take mine and take care of others as far as I can go. And then it’s their own responsibility.

Thursday I gave my first online dance class, weird but able to adjust.
With the setup I created I could teach and also give them personal corrections or let them think back of previous corrections, feelings and compliment they got.

Throughout the week I had my own classes from school which give routine, since my sleep has gone though the roof it forces me to get up on time.

New plans for our end performances where communicated with us.
It will be a version on video for just one purpose: to use internally to work and reflect on for our own development.

So new plans, new projects, new challenges and develop opportunities.
Something positive to look forward to. New way of connecting and making dance in a setting with all students and professional makers.

Now on to the fourth weekend in the Covid-19 time.

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