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View on the world: april 5

  • Many churches take their responsibility and offer a live-streaming mass
  • Nice spring weather in Europe shows mainly empty cities. But young people have a problem dealing with it. Some people are irritated by small groups of students, but those who live in one house don't need social distancing if they share facilities.
  • More old celebreties and veterans have died.

On board the Ruby Princess 600 people later tested positive 10 have died since.

electronic tags to monitor cases
261 cases, 4 deaths

Czech Republic
4,543 cases, 67 deaths.

3,500 cases, 83 deaths.

58, 226 cases, 3,603 deaths

129,000 cases, 15,887 deaths.

Avigan or favipiravir clinical trials have begun

126 cases.
When in quarantaine symptoms then not 14 days, but 1 month.

Government, including the president, take 10% of their income to conquer the virus.

New Zealand
1,039 cases, 1 death

Large numbers of migrant workers are infected with the virus.
Two dormitories, with around 20,000 people, in quarantaine for 14 days.
Of the 120 cases, 116 are locally transmitted (rather than brought by visitors to Singapore).

South Africa1,500+ cases
private hospital in Durban is hotspot. 6 of the country's nine deaths have been in the area.
Anyone who has been patient St Augustine's hospital since early March to contact health officials.

South Sudan
Infection brought to the country by an infected UN employee.

130,759 cases, 12,418 deaths

The Netherlands
17.851 positives
 6.875 hospitalised in total
1.766  deaths

St Maarten
25cases, 4 deaths

47,806 positives, 4,934 deaths

  • At least five doctors and three nurses and nursing assistants died
  • Scotland's chief medical officer has apologised "unreservedly" for visiting her second home during the coronavirus lockdown.
  • Mr Hancock said sunbathing was not allowed
  • If people continue to "flout the rules" then ban of exercise outside of the home.
  • Sir Keir Starmer, new Labour leader, backs the plans.
  • Watford General Hospital declared a technical issue with our hospital's oxygen equipment, yesterday. But the supply in the country is enough
  • When more testing then five people tested in each setting to establish inferction
  • Boris Johnson has been admitted to hospital.

310,000 cases, 8,500 deaths

New York
122,031 cases, 4,159 deaths
emergency hospital in New York City's Javits Center 2,500 beds

Detroit region
5,000 cases, 158 deaths.

16,000 cases, 617 deaths,

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