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Some thoughts and a long vent. Sorry...

I'm tired.
I don't sleep well. Like I'm on guard.
Some friends experience the same.

I think it's because we are vulnerable for that virus, and we know it'll kill us when we catch it.
Not that I'm afraid to die. I'm not.
But it's constantly on TV and radio that people are in an artificial coma and won't wake up.
That's what I don't want.

I want to orchestrate my own death if I have to die.
No struggle, no gasping for air, no drowning... NO WAY!!!

To get away form all of it and relax a bit I went to do some gardening.
There's enough to do.
So I enjoyed it for a bit until I heard the kids of the neighbour talking with the other side.

He was pruning.. and explained it.
Then they said: 'We are bothered by the tree of the other neighbour'.

These are little kids...
Kids that are not aware of a tree, unless they can climb in it.
They are at the age of repeaters...

Well, the neighbours are not the kind that would get a medal for parenting.
And let's leave it at that.

Ever since they moved in they have been bugging me.
Had rows so loud that a friend in another street could hear them.
They put the kids in the garden at 7 in the morning on a sunday...and every other day of the week. But at sunday they return to bed and leave the kids outside.

Each time I walk outside, no matter if it's for gardening, put the green waste away, or just snif the air, they come outside and look what I do.

They wanted me to cut trees... and I did.
Then wanted the 'christmastree' down. So they went on and on, until we managed to make the houseowner take responsibility for it and a tree cutting business took it away when we were asleep on a saturday morning. And they left a tree I wanted to get rid of in the garden...

Then during a storm he came to tell me branch had broken from a tree in the back....
So I went in the dark, without lamp, and sawed that enormous branch to pieces and put it in my garden, as I didn't want anyone to fall over it. And in the morning I discovered it wasn't a branch from any of my trees, but from the people who lived behind us!!!

Then he started to complain about the lilac... so I pruned it to just 2 branches...

And now he's complaining about the apple tree.
I have pruned it so no branch was hanging over his garden.
Didn't want an apple land on the heads of his kids.
But it's the shadow....
He has some shadow over the trampoline of his kids. But he wants to plant vegetables... and the tree doesn't reach there.
I think this guy has some issues for himself apart from his ADHD.

To be honest, I can do with the tree tops gone, as I can't reach them to get the apples.

But what does this guy want?? Me climbing that tree???
He offered to help to cut it.
And then he said he had shadow from the trees of my other neighbour... Can't!!
He said: 'One day I'll go in the garden and just cut them.'

Be sure I'll report him to the police when he does that.

So I suspect him to have pulled my wooden rosebow down. I have no proof. But that rosebow was as firm as a concrete statue. I had a look at it just a few days before I found it down.

I wonder about myself.
I'm always kind to people, but I can stand up for myself.
One way or another this guy is bullying me... and I don't how to deal with it.

He makes me mad. Offering to cut a tree...
And when the government says that people should offer help to those in isolation... nothing.
They know I've got heart issues. Nothing about the rest. But heart issues is enough.

In that house we've seen many people in the over 30 years we've lived here.
A woman with a puberty girl, yelling at each other and slamming doors, but they were both very kind to us.
A young man who became a close friend. He had dinner with us three times a week, and when I was tired I went to his couch for some quiet time. We shared the garden. Got his apples too, made applepies and applesauce, and then gave him half of it. And had an applepie party with all the neighbours.

Then a very nice young woman. Looked like Angela Merkel. She was so sweet.
One day she came for a cuppa and told me she wanted to the zoo, but had a strange question. Would I allow her to take my girls with her? It was so much more fun with them.
So a tradition started: she took the girls for something special a few times a year.

Then at the other side 2 doctors came to live there.
Kind people too.
We shared a tree... enjoyed it so much!! Each spring lots of blossom. Absolutely wonderful.
We had conversations that lasted hours!!

And now?

Someone who destroys my good feelings about my garden. Makes me a stranger there.
The place where I could relax had become an area of stress.

If I had the money I would get a professional gardener prune those trees, cut the tree that I want to go, and tell the neighbour to f890ck off.

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