Breaking News

View on the world: April 25

The Netherlands
37.190 positives
10.381 admissions (past and present)
4.409 deaths

New Zealand
People in New Zealand are praising their PM for keeping them safe from Corona.
Soneone telling me we are stupid not to come up with figures like theirs.

I'm very happy not more people there have died or fallen ill.
But there is something to say about the nembers... or about comparing numbers between countries.

New Zealand:
5 million people on 268.021 km2, islands.
population density of 18 people per km2

So you can keep people out of the country in an easy way,
and also have the ability to confine an outbreak to an island.

The Netherlands:
18 million people on 41.543 km, with borders.
population density of 488 people per km2

There is a kind of a difference between the ease for a virus to find hosts.......


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