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A long night

I had a very bad night.
Lots of coughing and breathlessness.
But it's allergy weather.
And even though my eyes didn't ache and itched like hell, I didn't think it was something different.

It might have been the stench of the asian food of one of the boys,
or maybe the fatty smell of the candle I burned not to smell the asian stuff,
or maybe irritation of the disinfectant I used to conquer bacteria in the men's toilet...

But the longer the night lasted, the more breathless I became, and felt my heart skips beatsd, the more worried I became.
The idea of having to warn a medic... I never do, and I never want to.

The clock ticked... each minute.... and another one....

Pushed a pillow behind me, and another one...

Finally I fell asleep. The morning program of our regional radio had begun,, and they said that even mminks can get infected. They discovered corona at two different farns, both animals and humans were infected.
I fell asleep... and I can't even remember a dream.

And hour later I woke up... fell asleep again after a while...

Then it was timer to make lunch for the others.
Oh, I hate that.
They play the inhabitants of a carehome...

I was nauseated all day, with a headache, but gradually loosing the breathlessness.

So I guess it's not corona....

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