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Strange day

So it was King's Day 2020.
Woke up, dressed, turned the TV on, and waited until the event began.
No kids on the streets with flags on their bicycles, no market of cheap second hand stuff, nothing.
Just memories of that.

But we were supposed to sing the national hymn all together from our gardens, balconies, and doors.
I was the only one who played the national anthem and had the door open.

The rest of the family was still asleep.

At 12.00 hours the city's clock was supposed to chime.
Not a sound.

I felt closed off,  isolated, more with each minute.

The afternoon was the same as every other weekday.

In the evening one of the sons walked in and stayed until far after midnight.

Mutual friends moved to one of the nicest areas of the country after being very, very lucky, and grasping an opportunity.
Made me feel that I will get an opportunity in life too.

Well, as soon as possible we'll pay them a visit... have a BBQ under the night sky....

I'm looking forward to that!!

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