Breaking News

Money money money!

In many countries the curve is flattening. Here in The Netherlands too.
But it's with almost all people staying inside the home, social distancing, and all kids at home.

The little children will go to school again at May 11.
I don't hear many people about that.

No, bar-owners complain as fluent as their beverages flow.
They want to open shop, and they want to have the 'bar-feel' back again.
So no social distancing because they don't feel like it.

Yesterday a guy with 22!!! bars made it very clear he wanted money.
No word about his employees, and certainly no word about Corona-safety.
It was money money, money...

I wonder how he experiences life when there is a covid outbreak at one or more of his bars and he is held responsible.

The fact that all attention is to opening up... against the idea of the government... but people are fed up with staying at home... that makes me afraid.

Children want to see their parents in the carehome... they're used to covid now, so they have lost their fear.

It's like they can't balance their needs anymore.

I'm tired. Tired from sleeping so bad, tired of caring for others.
I would love to have a grown up conversation.
A real friend around....

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