Breaking News

View on the world: April 23

  • About 80 groups around the world are researching coronavirus vaccines and some are now entering clinical trials.
  • WHO: Half of all European coronadeaths were in carehomes. 

2.6+ million positives, 183,027 deaths

42,560 positivers, 2,220 deaths

Citizen journalist, Li Zehua, reappears in Wuhan

Czech Republic
7,132 positives, 208 deaths

21,856 deaths

148,046 positives, 5,094 deaths

7,418 positives, 635 deaths

25,549 deaths

New Zealand
1,112 confirmed cases, 16 deaths.

South Korea 
10,702 positives, 240 deaths

16,755 positives

2,826 positives, 49 deaths.

The Netherlands
35.729 positives
10.158 admissions (past and present)
4.177 deaths

  • All schools for children up to 12 years must open at may 11.
  • RadboudUmc has developed a new screen which will be produced soon in large quantities.
  • Swabs will be made with 3d printers.
  • 18th 5g mast on fire.

four-day lockdown across 31 provinces. Some stores and workers are exempt from the curfew

18,738 deaths
103 healthcare workers are now believed to have died from coronavirus

  • 18,000 people will be hired to help trace coronavirus infections.
  • a new NHS contact tracing app is tested.
  • Some 20,000 households in England will be contacted to take part in a study to try and track and trace coronavirus to see how much of the population has had the virus, and what sort of immunity they have.
  • Around 300,000 people will be sent swab kits, and some may even be asked to do their own blood tests.
  • Results are not expected earlier than next year
  • The first human trial in Europe of a coronavirus vaccine has begun in Oxford. Two volunteers were injected - the first of more than 800 people recruited for the study.
  • More than £27.3m ($34m) was donated during the BBC's Big Night In charity telethon, 

856,000 positives,  47,000 deaths

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