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Week 2 of isolation

Thw week started pretty okay.
We kinda got used to the new life we are currently living.
Plans for teaching online dance classes are made and there is a structure from classes from school.

On Monday evening our Whatsapp group exploded,
The news was just made public that all event will be canceled or postponed till the first of June.
For my class, which will graduate from college this year, the end performances will be cancelled. Maybe planned in another way?

As that news settled down school and everything went on as planned.
I found myself in more schoolwork and more pressure to fill the blanks that Covid-19 had created.

This week I started to feel more overflooded than last week.
Find ways to keep up with everything, which takes more time than before.

Different expectations from school and work.

Went to the store the short way to walk through the park, My bike was broken.
The signs at the entrances of the park  said to keep 1,5 m from each other.
Tried to make this moment as enjoyable as possible, because I need food.

Spring has come. The sun was setting, which gave a nice glow on the flowers that just have sprung.

At the end of the week I was just going from one assignment to the other almost full time, behind a screen.

Friday, I NEEDED to take some me-time, a break to breathe and to get my mind of school, work, corona and all the craziness that is going on in the world.

It was just enough to refocus myself and Saturday I filmed the next part of the combination for my and other students.

Ended the week with a weird feeling. Opened my curtains in the morning and I thought it was snowing.
Nope, just hail.
Wrong again it was snowing.

The clock changed to Summertime, but didn’t notice it till noon. I was confused again ‘cause I thought the battery was empty again, even when a week or so I renewed it. Just a day full of confusion; Mother Earth, time, people, the world. Strange times.

Baked a new bread, luckily not as hard as brick.
Filmed an assignment for school and spent the rest of the day editing, doing a dance class, took pictures, other homework and more editing.

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