Breaking News

The world in view: March 29

30,982 deaths,  669,312 cases,

The rate has halved past week.
gatherings to 2,
closed playgrounds, outdoor gyms and parks

Czech Republic
2,697 cases, 13 deaths

2,606 deaths
To free up intensive care beds in some of the country's worst-hit areas, France has been using
specially adapted TGV trains to transport patients

56,000 confirmed, 325 deaths.
German state finance minister Thomas Schäfer found dead, suicide.
2 patients from the Netherlands

deaths 2,640. cases 38,309

97,689 cases,  10,779 died.

Tokyo 68 new cases

97 cases, 1 death.
lockdown Abuja and Lagos, Ogun State.

Present asylumseekers will be residents

Republic of Ireland
46 deaths, 2,615 cases

Saudi Arabia
Curfew brought forward

6,528 deaths

schools and daycares stay open, but this can change.

cases 14,336, deaths 257

The Netherlands
deaths 771, cases 10,866.
1.3 million masks delivered on 21 March.  masks didn't close over the face properly, or defective filters.
Longer stay of 23 days (instead of 10) gives a burden on the IC. Now 982 people at IC, will be 2500 in two weeks.
The Dutch government has ordered ventilators from different companies. Philips was able to deliver a 100. More to follow.

19,522 cases, 1,228 died
Prime Minister Boris Johnson, letter to every household, warned the crisis will get worse before it gets better.
reached 750,000 volunteers
NHS workers tested at 2 temporary drive-through stations. Chessington World of Adventures in Surrey,  Beeston, Nottinghamshire.
tested: 10,000 people a day
42.8 million gloves, 142,000 gowns and 2.3 million pairs of eye protectors have been delivered to 58,000 "health care settings", including hospitals and GP surgeries.
1.2 million stay at home for 12 weeks. Register for help on the government's website. 50,000 food parcels are being sent out this week.

Press conference
impact on normal life
could be six months or longer before life returns to normal.
regular review to consider "gradually start lifting various interventions"
expecting the daily number of UK deaths to rise over the next week or two
first 50,000 food parcels to most vulnerable this week
protecting citizens overseas  "top priority"
 "will not stop" in trying to get personal protective equipment to frontline NHS and social workers

Northern Ireland
Penalties to stay at home and close shops, fines of up to £5,000,
NHS staff will receive free bus travel
GPs to buy PPE in some parts

137.047 cases, 2,400 deaths.
Trump suggestedand  reversed  quarantine New York.
health authorities urged 8.6 million people of New York City and the states of New York, New Jersey and Connecticut to avoid non-essential travel for 14 days
Social distancing until april 30 fines for NewYorkers: 250-500 dollars
230 + members of New York's Fire Department positive


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