Breaking News

The world in view: march 22.

  • In Aruba the journalists have tostick to an evening cerfew, and they are so angry about that that they refuse to report about the corona crisis.
  • In Australia 1100 have tested positive and 7 people died. For the next 6 months pubs and all indoor establishments like cinemas, churches, sporthalls have closed. Every month the situation will be reviewed.
  • Belgium has closed the borders, but people still tried to cross the borders.
    Total lockdown in Belgium will be for at least the next 2 months.
    It seems the rise of new cases slows down, but Belgium warned for administrative slow down because of the weekend.
    Total of 75 people have died (most are above 65 years) and with 586 new casus the total positives reached 3401.
  • Cuba will send 52 doctors and nurses to Lombardy. Cuba often sends assistance to medical emergencies and has already send careworkers to countries in south america.
  • Germany has announced a limitation of people meeting each other. All gatherings of more than 2 people have been forbidden, except for familymembers.Those who ifgnore this can get a fine up to 25.000 euro.
  • EU president Michel wants a European coordination center, as he sees the different countries communicate different guideliness... but in fact most countries ask the same.
    At 18.00 hours, all over Europe: Ode an die Freude by Beethoven sounded.
  • In France the first doctor died from Covid-19. More than 550 people died there. People who don't follow the rules can be arrested and put in jail for up to 6 months.
  • Greece will be on lockdown from tomorrow morning, limiting social communication to 2. Fine: 150 euro. 624 tested positive, 134 admitted to hospital, 34 IC. 15people have died.
  • In India the corona crisis has just started. 341 tested positive and 4 died. The passengertrains keep at a stand still.
  • Iran. 1685 died and 21.000 tested positive.
    The USA offered their help, but Iran refused. They don't thrust the USA. They're afriad the american help will cause more and intended spread.
  • The Russians will provide medicals assistance to Italy. Specialists and mobile desinfectant machines will be send.
  • Mayor De Blasio of New York has sounded the alarm that New York will get a shortage of all sorts of equipment and materials.
    In the USA 371 people have died and  292.235 (is that right?) have tested positive. One third in the State of New York.
  • Spain has extended the emergency situation with two weeks. 1720 people have died and 28.572 have been tested positve. They saw a rise yesterdasy of 394 deaths. They are second worst country in Europe. Most planes from Spain are refused in the Netherlands except those with dutch people.
    The total lockdown has resulted in quiet streets. Just a few people have been arrested.
  • In The Netherlands long rows of ambulances were seen today. They fetched the patients in Noord Brabant to distribute them over the other hospitals, to free beds and equipment for new cases in the the area.
    Two days ago a plane with people on their way to their homeland India had to return above Russia. India stated they didn't want to receive them. But entrance of The Netherlands was prohibited too, so they were stuck at the international lounge at schiphol. Firm talks between The Netherlands resulted in the group leaving anyway.
    Even though the positive effect of Chloroquine still hasn't een established according to the Dutch health authorities and many others, some doctors use it to battle some symptoms. One of the factories is guarded by police now.
    Keeping distance is a huge problem for people. Several mayors of beachvillages and cities have requested not to visit the beaches. Parkings and streets were closed to keep people away.
    In the Netherlands the last months of the schoolyear are special for many people. Those who love to walk can take part in the 4 days evening-marches. But not this year. Many marches have been cancelled, and more will follow.
    The Dutch received a socalled NL-alert stating that keeping distance is utterly important and those with a cold need to stay at home
    71 dutch doctors specialised in tropical medicine have offered their help.
    The railways have requested not to use the trains for fun trips. They are still active for those who need to work.
    Amsterdam markets have to deal with further restrictions that are closely guarded.

The WHO has acknowledged that a total lock down doesn't solve the virusproblems. As soon as the lock down is stopped the virus will kill again. So isolation of patients and tracing of contacts remains important.

The Olympic Committee doesn't want to cancell the games, but more and more requests to do so are heard.

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