Breaking News

The pubs are closed

Tried to attach some plants against the rosebows, but it was far too cold.
After I called the family and made lunch I was confronted by the 'man' in the house, socalled Mr Intelligent having one of his attacks.

Yesterday evening the BBC stated something that was retracted within a minute, so taday he was waving with an online paper again that reports things nearly one day later. The paper manages to make him feel he knows it all, and it also arrouses his agression towards others.
This time it was about pubs.

Most of the time I see it in such a way that I can cope with it: a person with dementia need to keep a graps on things and hide his lack of control by repeating what he has just read.
But today he reacted different.
It was like he held me personally responsible for the UK keeping the pubs and restaurants open. He raised his voice and kept repeating that the pubs needed to be closed and that Boris Johnson was a fool not to close them.... etc.

'But the pubs are closed'.

He had heard the news on friday, we exclaimed 'finally', had some pity with the owners that the didn't hear it longer before, and the lot more. It was all forgotten and was replaced by the tone and intention of the article he just had read: blaming the UK government,. And one way or another I represented that government in his mind.
Whatever I said... it didn't matter. He went on and on and on...
Telling me louders and louder that they made the wrong decisions or in fact didn't take a decision at all.

And then ...on the BBC news...'The decision to close the pubs on friday night....'.


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