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Garlic won't protect you.

Imagine: people make a facebook post in which it states: 'I'm a doctor and my advice is to eat a lot of garlic.'
Or maybe there is no need for you to imagine this and have you seen a post like that.
People copy it, rephrase it, share it, take it, remember it...

The WHO (World Health Organization) warns that garlic can't protect people from the COVID-19 virus.
They acknowledge that it's healthy and may have some antimicrobial properties, but as a protection against a virus. No!

Posts like these are taken for what they are by many people who use their common sense: a false claim.
Others enjoy garlic and have a good laugh, remembering the garlic soup and having the flu anyway, in full force and as long as other people.
Others having a good laugh too, because eating lots of garlic keeps some people at a distance, even though most french would enjoy garlic smells a lot.

But the garlic advice can be dangerous. A woman in South China ate 1.5 kg of raw garlic in an attempt to protect her body against corona. Her throat became so badly inflamed that she had to be hospitalised and receive serious treatment. (The South China Morning Post).

The WHO states that it is healthy to eat fruit, vegetables and drink water, but to protect to the virus no special food is known.

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