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Monday... changes

Got a message from school.
We scheduled an online lesson for wednesday.

Going through my agenda I felt a bit depressed that so many events and meetings I had looked forward to had to wait.
But we can't reschedule now. We don't know how long the school will be closed.

Had a videochat in the evening with some friends from school and agreed to stay in contact.

Every sunday morning my plants get some special attention, but I completely forgot it yesterday. So I gave some plants a new pot. I had indended to do so a long time ago.

Got a mail from school with some workouts and a challenge.
each day we'll receive a challenge and we share this.
So the appgroups filled with short movies.

Nothing special happened, except that my laptop refused to cooperate with the touchpadmouse and I tried all I knew to solve the problem.
That's difficult when you can't go to a shop or someone who has special skills.
So I was happy we don't have an old fashioned telephone anymore.

Had a videochat with friends during the evening and did something creative... tried not to make noise, so I wouldn't disturb the other people in the house.

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