Breaking News

Daily Press Conference UK -2

Every country in the world has the same problem, without drastic measures it would overwhelm any system.
It's not the system, but the number of sufferers. So we have to control the spread.

In the common days measures might be even more severe.

The capacity of the NHS is being increassed.

We must do all we can to boast science and knowledge.

We must act like any wartime government and do everything it takes to boast the economy.
We must support all during the coming months.

We will need to strengthen any other public services

Learning from other countries is important.

National unity is needed, but also international support.
We need physical distance, but also more support between people.

We base our measurements on scientific research.
Whatever it takes, it will be done;

Chancellor of the Exchecker:

Never seen such an economic fight.
It needs national effort. It's a time for courage and to be bold.
Support will be given, whatever it takes.
Last week 30 billion of support for people and businesses.

We're at the stage of fast increase.
The government will stay behind large and small businesses.
330 billion pounds will be freed. Anyone needing support can get a loan against good conditions.

2 schemes:
  • large firms. New lending facility at the Bank of England.
  • Small and medium: business interuption loan schemes on no interest and extended loans.

New legal power will be taken.

A support package for airlines and airports will be discussed.
Also other industries will be reviewed.

Businesses who have pandemic insurance face no problems.
Without insurance: retail, hospitality, leisure etc. no businessrates this year. Cash grants for 20.000 pound.
Smallest businesses: cash grants increased to 10.000 pounds.
Whatever it takes.

Last week 1 billion, now:
Mortgage lenders offer 3 month holiday. More to follow the next days.

This is all part of a large coherent response and these are just the first steps.

We want to act now, and we will workout the specifics in the near future.


In financial problems right now:

  • talk to local authorities
  • banks understand the situation and will show flexibility.

Employment support packages will come.
But right now we want to support, so people won't loose their jobs.
The rest will be in the near future.

Businesses shouldn't rush in decisions like sacking people.

Schools are under continuous review.

These are loans.
This is an immediate measure to help people now.
The rest will be discussed later.

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