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Press Conference for businesses The Netherlands

The Dutch economy will receive support too.
The next 3 months 10 to 20 billion euro will be invested.
Flexibility needs to be practiced.

When your worktime is shortened by corona: the government pays 90% of the salaries.
Businesses:no taxes the next 3 months. Taxes will stop directly. Proof and paperwork will be done later.
ZZp'ers (individuals who work for themselves, freelancers): can ask additional money for life support up to the social minimum. No need to pay it back. Regardless whether the partner has an income. Speeding up of paperwork.
Small businesses: 6 months extension of financial loan obligations
No taxes for tourists.
Businesses in direct financial troubles: can request right now up to 4000 euro. This is mainly for the food and drink businesses, travel organisations and cultural establishments.

Shortening of worktime can be requested far more easy than ever.Benefits for people willbbe higher.
The government used to pay 75% of the salary, now 90%. So employers need to pay less. This is also a new guideline for workers with a zero hour contract and those on call.
The only request is that the income of the business has changed more than -20.

Under normal circumstances about 100 businesses per year request unemployment benefits. Now already 78.000.

It will be easier for businesses to get a loan.
The guarantee of the government will change from 400 million to 1,5 billiard.
The Ministery of Economics will guarantee half of it.

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