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Cancelled the hotel

Made a planning for today as the online lessons and meetings were realized.
It was great how people handled the situation and how solutions were found.
Every year those in the final year travel to New York. We had a meeting about this and it was decided to cancell the hotel.
The decision about the flighttickets was postponed to next week.

Gradually the plans for the future are changed.

In the afternoon I met a friend face to face. With social distancing of course.
It was such a relief to see someone and to talk with someone without a screen in between.
Her way to keep busy was baking cakes.

We studied together, had a good talk and even created a challenge.

Looking back I doubt if it was a good choice to meet her.
Imagine I've put her in danger! Maybe I've infected her without knowing!
But maybe it's the media making me feel insecure, but I think I won't make an appointment anymore...for a while.

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