Breaking News

Daily Press Conference UK -3

In the morning news came that Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland had decided to close the schools, which set more in motion.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced that UK schools will close schools from Friday, but not for vulnerable children and children from key workers. They can go to school on monday like on a normal day.

  • Exams and assessments won't be taken in the current academic year (Scotland will decide on the details tomorrow).
  • A national voucher system will be put in place for children eligible for free school meals
  • Children should not be left with older relatives or grandparents who might be especially vulnerable to the virus.

Yesterday he stated that London is ahead of the rest of the country and today he didn't rule out a lock-down of London, saying the government wouldn't "hesitate in bringing forward further and faster measures if necessary".

He stressed again that everyone must follow the government's latest social distancing advice, including avoiding travel and gatherings at pubs, cinemas, theatres and restaurants.
Sir Patrick Vallance warned that dismissing the guidance puts "lots of people at risk" .

Legislation will be brought forward to help renters and prevent them from suffering no-fault evictions and such.
"We cannot penalise people for doing the right thing, nor can we penalise people when you have an economic upset as a direct reaction to government advice to protect the public."

In the future, people in the UK might be able test themselves for the virus at home

and additional  news:
Glastonbury festival and Eurovison Song Contest are cancelled

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