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No evidence colloidal silver prevents Corona

In the show of Televangelist Jim Bakker a guest claimed that colloidal silver kills some strains of coronavirus within 12 hours. Even though he admitted that it had never been tested on COVID-19 the followers of Jim Bakker went bezirk.

Colloidal silver, tiny particles of the metal suspended in liquid, is used by people who won't accept any mainstream medical treatment.They not only ignore the fact that Jim Bakker is an entrepreneur and has been convicted of fraud, they also ignore other facts.

Silver has been used for thousands of yearson the skin. Because it works slightly antiseptic and promotes healing(a bit), it's used now on bandages and bandaids.
But it has no healing effect when used inside the body. (Just like burning cream can't be swallowed to treat a burning stomach.)

There are claims that it can treat all kinds of health conditions, act as an antiseptic. And now it's claimed it supports the immune system.

To work inside the body something need to be able to fit in the chemical processes that take place and have a positive effect.
But swallowers of colloidal silver show no positive effect at all, but the one caused by suggestion.

In fact colloidal silver can cause serious side effects including kidney damage, seizures and argyria, a condition that makes your skin turn blue.

When exposed over a short or long time (depending on the person) the colouring of the body starts in the mouth, where the gums turn grey brown. This can also happen when the silver is outside the body. Some people can't wear bracelets because of this.
When swallowed the silverparticle scorode in the stomach acid and change into silver salt. This is transported into the bloodstream and ends up everywhere in your body. Ofcourse you can't see the discoloration in your organs yourself, but you can see it in the skin. (When you don't see it, it doesn't mean your organs aren't changed.). In the light the silver salt becomes silver again and it colours the skin a visible blue. (It's the same process as in black and white photography, and those developing photos the old fashioned way are very careful not to touch the solution.)

So using colloidal silver has no use in protecting against COVID-19 and might even be harmful.

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