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Change of name and Url

I'm sorry if it's causing inconveniences, but I decided to change the site to another name and url.
Because in the past many people started a blog I had to search for a name that was possible.
If Blogger would have removed blogs from 2003 without content, it would have been a lot easier to find something.

But Two Dreamz will do.
I have two dreams that can be realized.
They would change my life.

A job.
And a small house somewhere remote in Scotland between ocean and hills.
I will post one of these days my CV,
and I can save for the realisation of the second dream.

The z at the end?
Because an s was impossible, and because it also makes clear I'm a person of this time.

2020... I'll leave the Covid posts on here and keep them going, but with less frequency.
They are an important part of this year and life.

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