Breaking News

View on the world: April 4

  • More ships got the opportunity to disembark healthy people to be put on a plane home.
    But at Australia the crews had to leave the ports on board their ships.
  • Better weather made leader of European countries urge their people to stay at home.
  • More discussion and willingnessto wear masks. Leading to people forgetting rule 1: stay at home at the slightest sign of a cough or fever.
  • Some European countries seem to show a 'flattening of the curve.'

1,139,000 cases, 60,000+ deaths

8,000 cases

5,500+ cases,half in Sidney region
fines of up to A$1000 (£488)

1,283 deaths

People in China paid their respects to dead ancestors for the Qingming festival.

5,532 dead in hospital,
2,028 dead in care home.

15,362 deaths, 88,274 cases

3,613 cases, 146 died.

working with a British company to develop a quick, simple, one-dollar test.
Started using chloroquine to treat coronavirus patients.

South Korea
10,156 cases, 177 deaths.

11,744 deaths, 124,736 cases

The Netherlands
16.627 positives
1,651 deaths.
Total admissions up to now:  6.622
Present:1360 on IC

501 deaths, 24,000 cases

4,313 deaths, 41,903 cases.

  • A five-year-old with underlying diseases has died.
  • British Airways cabin crew members fear they may have contracted Covid-19 over the past 14 days after working on long-haul flights.
  • 5G masts set on fire. Reaction: “no credible evidence” of a link between 5G and coronavirus.
  • Up to 4,000 prisoners could be released from jails in England and Wales early.
    Convicted of violent crimes and sex offences will be excluded
  • Watford General Hospital north of London is running out of oxygen.
  • NHS England Director Stephen Powis has clarified that the number of deaths reported only includes those in hospitals and health facilities.
  • The Office for National Statistics (ONS) records deaths in the community. So those numbers will show uplater.
  •  Seven healthcare workers have now died
  • ventilators 8,000 , aim: 8,000 more.

278,458 cases,7,000+ deaths,
Face masks recommended bij CDC, but Trump won't wear one.

New York State
3,565 deaths, 113,704 cases

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