Breaking News

View on the world: April 3

  • Even though in many countries religious gatherings are not included in regulations, people have urged the governments to close religious buildings too. Many already closed their doors after hearing about a religious gathering in India leading to massinfection and seeing an american churchleader commanding God to stop the virus, surrounded by a huge crowd.
  • Some Asian governments use advanced  methods to know for sure that people stay inside, and that trips outside are only for necessities, or short exercise.  It was all over the news here this morning: Google tracks movement of people too.
  • The theme of today: masks yes or no.
  • Most countries are on lock down
  • Some european countries report a 'flattening of the curve'.

53,000 deaths over a million cases

5,200 cases, 26 death
16,000 Australians left the country in the past two weeks, despite  government warning and ban.

1,011 deaths
A GP of a home for the elderly tested all the people in 'his' home after one got ill. He found that almost all who lived there were infected, leading to the alarming conclusion that elderly who don't display symptoms can test positive.

11,747 cases, 152 deaths

3,255 cases, 67 deaths

82,433 cases,  3,326 deaths

64,338 cases, 6,507 deaths

84,794 cases, 1,107 deaths
It now has more cases than China
will allow 40,000 seasonal workers to enter country to harvest asparagus,

2,000 cases, 53 deaths

1,790 cases, 170 deaths

50,468 cases, 3,160 deaths

banned Reuters after they reported doctors stated that more people were infected and had died than the official numbers suggest.

7,000 cases, 37 deaths.

115,242 cases, 13,915 deaths

2,495 cases, 62 deaths

299 cases, 5 deaths,

116 cases, 1 death

3,333 cases, 53 deaths.

1,500+ cases, 50 deaths

New Zealand 
868 cases.

2,421cases, 34 deaths.

1,400 cases, 55 rdeaths.

Singapore closes schools, most workplaces. Number of infected is climbing, maybe becasuse of travellers

South Korea
9,976 cases, 169 deaths.

117,710 cases, 10,935 deaths.

18,827 cases

The Netherlands

Positives: 15.723 (+1.026)
Deaths: 1.487 (+148)
hospital admissions until now: 6.286 (+502)

  • All careworkers in Rotterdam will be tested.
  • Call for more volunteers:
  • Discussion about triage is active, as there are a maximim of 2400 IC beds available next week. There are no more doctors and nurses available. IC nurses have to care for 4 patients, which has been called 'irresponsible'.
  • Foreigners have been asked not to come to the Netherlands at easter. The Dutch have to stay inside.

18,135 cases

34,173 cases, 3,605 deaths

  • not yet found a reliable antibody blood test
  • The NHS Nightingale Hospital was officially opened in London’s Excel Centre today, online, by Prince Charles.
  • Two more Nightingale Hospitals will open as soon as possible. One in Bristol, up to 1,000 beds, one in Harrogate, 500 beds.
  • 7,000 NHS staff been tested
  • 173,700 tests since the end of January.
  • Over 2,000 critical care beds are currently free and available. Not counting Nightingale.
  • Three major clinical trials have been commissioned, including looking at how existing drugs could be used to treat the virus. The trials look at three stages: primary care (GPs etc), hospital care, and recovery
  • The Queen will address the nation in a televised broadcast on Sunday, Buckingham Palace has announced. at 20:00 BST (19:00 GMT).

6,000 deaths, 245,000+  cases
The captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, Brett Crozier asked for help and is removed from his post.

New York City
1,562 deaths, 102,000 cases


UEFA condemns countries that decide not to play the competition and wants to exclude them from the competition.

containershipping 30,000 seafarers stuck at sea unable to get home

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