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Had some sleep and woke up with a shock.
Like someone had turned a switch.

Had all day a vague haze in front of my eyes, and some brainfog.
The first time since I started some new medication.

Because a friend in scandinavia made a photo of...snow... I walked outside and saw a dove in the tree.
Of course I knew we had doves in the garden. A nice couple. Except for the visible proof one can find under the trees... (Didn't I say that very nice?)
This one sat looking at meand assessing if I was the boss.....Yes!!

Once in a while a friend sends us some special food.
We can't share a table, but we can share our stuff.
As dinner is here a struggle, as Mr Intelligent always wants to cook and his dinners are a product of laziness and lack of imagination, the foodway, a surprise like this means a delight for the taste and the eye.
The photo isn't sharp, but you'll get the idea.

Of course Mr. Intelligent had his moments today too.
Telling me that the system of the extreme vulnerable in the UK is not about immumologic problems, but about age.
I had a try...telling him thet my UK heartgroup presents the rules on a platter and I'm in the middle of it.  No... he started to yell again.
Isn't life fun?? No.

Tried to make people aware of the triage system and that denying people treatment for coronasymtoms in the IC also results in responsibilities towards the way they die.
A few doctors wanted to express their opinions: palliative sedation is always available.

That means that when you're in the process of dying you'll get sedation and then they won't hydrate or nurture you. So when the corona doesn't kill you, you'll die from hunger and lack of liquids.
It's ridiculous!!
They won't do that to a dog, but they do it to a human being.

I want to say goodbye when I deteriorate fast and die before I choke to death.
We know the concept and practice of euthanasia, but that takes weeks, if not months.
Psychological assessment, independent doctor, paperwork.
It's my life, and when I'm dying, I don't want to choke to death, I don't want to die from breathlessness.
I can talk about this with family, friends, but the GP's... not.
The independent doctors are called SCENdoctors, but the GP's I spoke with call them scandoctors. So I doubt of they are the ones who should stand in between me as a patient and my decision.

Then I was just in time to tune in a special event.
As 'As The World Turns' celebrates it's birthday, they had an online meeting between members of the cast and fans.
It was great fun!!

So good to see my TV family.
I started to watch the soap when my obsttrician told me to rest in the afternoons. When I said I couldn't he told me to watch ATWT.
Since then I missed maybe 5 episodes, certainly not more.

So great to see them!!!


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