Breaking News

View on the world, April 10

1.6 million positives, deaths pass 100,000 to 100,376.

26.667 positives, 3,019 deaths.
114 nieuw deaths in hospital
171 death in carehomes from march 18 to march 31. that's 40% of the total
The number of positives are suspected cases plus tested cases.
It's denied that the number of deaths in carehomes is high.
Scientists in Belgium say it may be safer to run or cycle side by side rather than directly behind someone. The research was conducted by engineers studying aerodynamics
A users manual contained a mistake, making thousands of tests unreliable.

82,885 cases, 3,336 deaths

118,783 positives, 12,228 deaths

118,235 positives, 2,373 deaths
a judge said that people can't be kept in cities when the beaches are empty, so...

280 deaths

66,220 positives

147,000 positives, 18,849 deaths
lockdown until 3 May.

10,238 deaths

New Zealand
1,283 positives, 2 deaths

In Lagos state started house-to-house screenings.

4,076 cases, 203 deaths

Republic of Ireland.
7,000 positives, 288 deaths

1,910 cases, 6 deaths.

South Korea
health authorities say 91 people thought recovered after contracting coronavirus have tested positive for the disease again.

157,022 positives, 15,447 deaths

2,423 positives, 32 deaths

The Netherlands
23.097 positives
2.511 deaths
8.197 admitted (past and present)

  • More testing of healthworkers and high risk patients.
  • No fun-boating. The harbors of Edam en Volendam have been closed.
  • CBS: vorige week 2000 meer mensen overleden dan gemiddeld
  • Here too 5G towers set on fire.
  • Rotterdam will use cameracars during the easterweekend to check on youngsters
  • Free e-book for children
  • 58 patient on IC in Germany

47,029 positives, 1,006 deaths

65,872 positives, 8,114 deaths

  • testing capacity for all NHS workers, 15 drive-in testing centres
  • 742 million pieces of PPE have been delivered to the front line, 
  • over the next three weeks, an online portal will launch so primary care and social care can request what they need.

  • Northern Ireland
    1,589 positives, 92 deaths

    5,275 positives, 495 deaths

    4,591 positives, 315 deaths

    473,000 positives, 17,800 deaths
    Last month, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a public health measure banning the entry of foreigners considered to pose a "serious danger" to the spread of disease. More than 6,300 undocumented migrants -including unaccompanied children - on its border with Mexico have been expelled using this order.
    Trump renewed its criticism of the World Health Organization (WHO) about not warningh early enough

    New York
    160,000 positives, 7,844.deaths
    mass grave in New York City


    Apple and Google are jointly developing technology to alert people


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