Breaking News

The world in view: April 1

  • The amount of people infected and died from Covid-19 is still increasing.
  • The fear not to have enough IC capacity leads to countries rejecting the patients from ships, whether civilians or miltary.
  • Again a lot of attention of the public is for diagnostic testing,without understanding why it's not done the way they want.
  • More attention too for economical consequences of Corona.
  • Most countries have a form of lock down
  • there is an overall shortage of PPE, equipment and materials.
887,067 cases, 50,000 deaths

5,400+ cases, 172 deaths.

About 40,000 retired medics are to be called back to work

9,017 cases, 105 deaths

100 cases, 8 died

200 cases, 6 died.

4032 deaths
Only counting the hospitals. In reality an estimated 14% higher

67,366 cases, 732 deaths
Lots of testing

1,400 cases, 123 deaths.
Some 20,000 coaches from Indian Railways will be converted into coronavirus isolation wards for 320,000 patients

1,500 cases, 136 deaths.

5,591 cases, 21 died

3,036 deaths 47,593 cases

13,155 deaths

2,908 cases, 45 deaths.

2,039 cases, 26 deaths.
In Pakistan, a convention centre in Lahore has been transformed into a field
hospital with 1,000 beds within nine days.

Saudi Arabia 
1,563 cases, 10  deaths.

South Korea
9,887 cases, 165 deaths

9,053 deaths, 102,136 cases.

The Thai cabinet has agreed to an automatic extension for anyone who arrived on a
tourist visa on or after 1 March.

The Netherlands
13,000 cases, 1,059 deaths
Only those admitted to hospital and part of the healthworkers are tested .
Lockdown with only essential shopping, ecercise. no more than 3 people, social distancing.
Markets and shops are open, but rules about social distancing are strictly followed and enforced.
The country doesn't call it lockdown, even though the measures are the same as in countries that speak about strict lockdown with going outside for groceries, and fresh air. Visitors are limited to 3 with social distancing.
Testing was 4000 tests a day orless,  in two weeks 17.500.

Turkmenistan forbids the word coronavirus

Several members of Uganda’s famous Watoto Children’s Choir have tested positive for
 coronavirus after returning from a trip to the UK

2352 deaths, 29.474 cases
total of 152,979 tested of whom 29,474 positive
in hospital  10,767, largest numbers in London and West Midlands.
390 million pieces of equipment have been delivered.

4,000 deaths, 203,608 cases
Connecticut a six-week-old child died after being tested positive.
Illinois, a baby died, tested positive.

7,000 cases, 87 deaths.


MS Zaandam and MS Rotterdam nowhere admitted.

The Artania, which is currently docked in Freemantle, Australiam, disembarkment rejected.

Lamborghini started making surgical masks and protective medical shields. 1,000 masks a day to hospital in Bologna.
200 protective medical shields using 3D printers.

King's College London  59% of  1.5 million people tested positive, noticed a loss of smell and taste. According to the researchers can be a corona symptom

The Rooseveld quarantaine in Guam......

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