Breaking News

April 1 2020

Being a caregiver in these times means a lot..a LOT!
So today it was april fools day.

I didn't feel like making a joke, but in Doctors they had one.

There was a chemical in the water: hydroxylic acid.
Mr.Intelligent immediately grasped his computer.
I told him not to look up everything. But he did.
He started his laptop and in the meantime the storyline went on.

Again I said that it's annoying when someone checks everything,
especially when it's a TV series.
It took quite some effort to keep my face straight.

And then it was said: hydroxylic acid is water!!
His head shot up...
And I, I couldn't stop laughing.

He thinks he knows everything. Keeps finding fault with others, correcting me whenever he wants to, or adding facts upon facts when I say something, facts in free association. So sometimes I need a bit of time to see his association.

And now he showed he doesn't even know the simplest thing...

So the prank was a success!!

The afternoon was filled with apps about a problem at the studenthouse of one of the girls.
One of the others is a nurse at the corona IC. When she comes home she doesn't wash her hands... nothing. She gets her boyfriend in the house, who doesn't seem to know the concept of hygiene at all. And who stays the night.

My daughter didn't feel well.
Probably spring allergy, but she wanted to inform the other girls in the house that she would stay away in het room for awhile. To be sure.

One would expect some empathy from a nurse...
She told my daughter to leave the house and go to here, so she (the  nurse) could do her own things. And she said some more stupid and not so nice things too.
Even when my daughter told her she couldn't travel to here, because when you might be positive you're not allowed to travel at all, she tried to get rid of her.
It would make some sense if she had been the landlord, but she isn't.
And instead of 'I'll cook for a person extra and warn you when to fetch it' she asked my daughter how she would get food in her room.

I think some interesting things will happen the next day, as we have reported this.

Just when I sat down in the evening my youngest son called...until my ear was about to drop off.

I'm so tired....

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