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Wish I could do more

The past week we got a letter of the organisation one of my sons live.
He's classic autistic and lives in his own appartment in a protected environment.

As he's not high risk the amount of vistors is restricted, but not forbidden.

Today we got another letter. Stating that the rules were extended and more restrictions were requested by the government. Meaning that their central office has been closed. Socontact with the staff has been restricted to phone. Those who used to have dinner at the central office will now have to fetch the dinner at the door, take it to their own appartment, and eat it there alone. Each day one of the staff will have dinner, or be present at dinner of the people who live there, in protective gear.

My son doesn't mind the lack of contact very much, but it means none supports him in daily situations and none watches him when he gets ill.

Had quite a hard time after hearing the wife of one of the collegues has died.
Ofcourse it's not clear if she had corona, but she suffered from underlying diseases.
The hardest is that we can't go to him and offer our support. We can't give a hug. A cordor some flowers seem to be completely out of place. It's not how we deal with each other.
Now he's alone.
His wife came from another country. The family can't come to her funeral,  and when her wish was to be burried in the country of her birth it can't be granted.

It feels so sad.

Wish I could do more for him.

Also wish I could do more for others. The nurses, the doctors.
I haven't been able to register after my studies for financial reasons.
Worked all those years as a griefcouncellor and in healthcare, but as a volunteer.
So I got my experience, and I got it well, but they won't acknowledge me, I'm afraid.
If they would I would ask for an antibody test, and when I've got antibodies I would walk straight to where I'm needed most.
Sitting at home seeing nurses break in pieces makes me feel I want to listen, want to find ways for them to handle the emotional exhaustion.

So when someone reads this and wants me there... I will come.

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