Breaking News

The world in view: March 30

722,289 cases, 33,984 died
at least 151,901 officially recovered. (John Hopkins)

820 cases, 20 deaths.
lockdown until the middle of April.

4,100 cases 17 elderly people died
strict new measures to limit movement.
indoor and outdoor gatherings max 2 people,  unless in single household
More outdoor spaces closed
lockdown with fines
A$130bn (£63bn; $79bn) over the six months to support the "livelihoods of what we anticipate of being almost six million Australians" - about a quarter of the population.
Businesses will be paid up to A$1,500 (£740; $920) per fortnight to keep employees.
Home comers: 14-day monitored quarantine in hotel rooms paid for by government.
Travellers are two-thirds of Australia’s virus cases.

wearing protective masks in supermarkets mandatory
vulnerable not allowed to work
Hotels closed to tourists

431 died

82,122 cases, 3,308 died
31 new cases. of which 30 imported.

curfew 21:00 - 06:00 local time
fine oup to 300 euros
wish to leave homes ask for permission by sending text message to a special number

40,723 cases, 2,611 died

62,095, 541 died

closure non-essential shops extended to 11 April
Incoming flights from The Netherlands banned, from Germany restricted

over 1,000 cases
released around 400 prisoners
people leaving Dehli on foot, some walking more than 100 km a day, often without
access to food or water. at least 22 have died.

38,309 cases, 2,640 died

97,689 cases,  total death 11,591.
lockdown until "at least" 12 April
Angry at European decision not to give financial aid right now. AsThe Netherlands proposed this, political problems., because of not understanding reason.

1,800+ cases, 55 died.

23,000 migrant workers returned from Thailand in just 10 days

4 cases, 5 deaths.

10,930 cases, 772 died

New Zealand
550 cases, 1 death.
website for reports about violations of lockdown crashed

1,500 cases,

85,195  cases, 7,340 died
non-essential activities halted until 9 April

Sri Lanka
1 death, 113 cases


The Netherlands
The last careworkers arrived ast Bonaire. First check of temp, then 14 days quarantaine.
No cases there yet.

22.141  cases, 1,408 died

University College of London and the Mercedes Formula One team created breathing aid to keep coronavirus patients out of IC.  CPAP. 40 now on trial. up to 1,000 produced per day by the F1 team, beginning next week.
20,000 former NHS staff returned to work
Thousands of EasyJet and Virgin airline staff are being offered work in the new NHS Nightingale Hospital in London
A lack of childcare is forcing key workers to stay home to look after their children.
The UK's main internet providers have agreed to remove data caps on fixed-line broadband during the outbreak
as of 09:00 GMT on Saturday, 9,114 tested and testing capacity stood at 10,949 a day.
These figures refer to those being tested in a clinical setting – and does not include
key workers,
900 front-line staff were tested over the weekend.


Lots of attention for psychosocial factors.
Travellers trying to get home. Hundreds of thousands. So no essnatial travel around the world. Others are called home.
150.000 back from Spain, 5.000 from Cyprus
Flights are chartered.
Promoted through foreign office travel advice site and local embassy or High Commission. If necessary financial support.
Tripled capacity of call center for  travellers.

Public transport use has significantly declined

It looks like transmission is less
But we can see increase over two or three weeks, before it levels,
About the same pattern of deaths as France.

died 1,284, aged between 32 and 98 years old, all underlying diseases

1,563 cases, 47 deaths

1,451 cases, 62 deaths

142,106 cases, 2,500 died.
restrictions extended until at least 30 April.
Abbott Laboratories will be launching a test with result in 5 minutes.

New York City
66,497 cases, 1,218 deaths
Field hospitals in Central Park


 “pleased by the 20,000 health workers in the UK who have offered to return to work”
published a manual on how to set up and manage treatment centres for Covid-19
Ensuring free movement of essential health products is vital for saving lives
G20 countries and the WHO are calling on companies to increase production of essential medical supplies
Governments need to keep their citizens informed about the intended duration of social-distancing measures

healthy passengers of Zaandam transported to a sister ship, the Rotterdam
Harbours South America refused, intended destination, Fort Lauderdale, also refused entry.

2020 Olympic Games 23 July - 8 August 2021.
Paralympics 24 August - 5 September 2021.

Red Bull motorsport boss Helmut Marko says he advised his drivers to become infected.

Around 2,500 signed up to join a possible Europe-wide class action lawsuit against authorities in Tyrol in Austria over their handling of outbreaks of coronavirus at ski resorts.

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