Breaking News

The world in view: March 27

537,000 confirmed
120,000 have recovered
deaths 24,000.
more than 175 countries

3,450 confirmed cases

300,000 cases

Oman, Jordan and the UAE have suspended print editions of newspapers over fears that copies could carry the virus

Spain, Germany, France and Iran all have between 30,000 and 60,000 cases and the UK has now almost 12,000 confirmed infections and 580 deaths.

More than 3,100  positive, 13 deaths
will quarantine all returning citizens in hotels
Two-thirds of Australia's cases are imported or linked to infected people who have returned.
announced two economic stimulus packages worth A$189bn (£94bn, $109bn).

Millions of factory workers in Bangladesh are at risk of going hungry after fashion retailers in Europe and the US cancelled their orders,

289 died
extends lock down until end of the Easter.

2,915 confirmed cases
77 deaths

4,600 cases 54 died.

81,782 cases
54 new imported cases ,total 595 imported

China will soon ban foreigners with valid Chinese visas and residence permits, on 28 March.
Exemptions travelling diplomats and holders of "C" visas - foreigners who provide

Kinshasa  three-week lockdown. at home for four days and then stock up on food the following
two days.

30,000 cases
365 died, including a 16-year-old girl mwith no known underlying disease, total 1995

43,000 infections
deaths 267.

Hong Kong
518 cases.
restrict restaurant tables to four people
bars and restaurants only allowed to operate at half capacity
for at least two weeks.
social distancing

300 cases,10 deaths.
lockdown for two weeks
only leave homes for work or essentials.

Between 9:00 and 12.00 grocery shops and pharmacies to close their doors to aged under 65.
People allowed outside, not in groups

640 cases, deaths 17.
planning to release prisoners to prevent the spread
suspended all visas for foreigners until mid-April

Drone sprays disinfectant over Indonesian city

2,200 deaths
fines owners of non local cars and confiscate vehicles in order to enforce the measure.

extended nationwide curfew by 2 weeks.
air force drops public information flyers

4,401 new positives, total 66,414 cases.
deaths  9,134.
recovered: 10,950
The pope held a special service on the steps of St Peters and bless the world, Urbi et Orbi, which is under normal conditions only done at Easter and at Chrismas.

Tokyo asked to stay at home for weekend
Japan banned entry to certain categories of Chinese nationals and non-nationals who have been in Iran, South Korea or Italy in the past two weeks.

81 cases, 2 deaths.

65 cases (44 in Lagos)

66 new cases, total 1,057.
imported Covid-19 cases from Iran,
domestic transmission great worry
forming a youth brigade called Corona Relief Tigers,will distribute food

closed its own borders to foreign nationals on 15 March,
returning Polish citizens have subsequently had to quarantine at home 14 days.
Only three border crossings between Poland and Ukraine remain open

Republic of Ireland
Lock down for 2 weeks
only be allowed to leave homes for essential jobs which cannot be done from home, food shopping, social care for family, for farming purposes or exercise less than 2km (1.2 miles) from home.
All public gatherings are banned
Above 70 stay in.

1,036 confirmed, 3 deaths.
suspendeds all international flights. Except evacuations
all shops except pharmacies and groceries close for one week.

closure of all bars, restaurants and city parks, international rail and sea routes to and from Russia

one metre distance, fine up to S$10,000, jailed for up to six months, or both.

South Africa 
927 positives
three-week nationwide lockdownm police enforced.
alcohol sales forbidden,foodshops open

South Korea
91 new cases, total to 9,332.

64,059 cases
deaths 769 total 4,858
recovered 9,357.

9,000 rapid diagnostic tests imported from China have proved defective

total 200 deaths
1,000 new cases, total 12,000

tests motorists' temperatures

14,579 cases
plus 100 deaths, total death 759
33,000 new UK hospital beds
6,200 patients in hospital.
Medical Detection Dogs said it would work with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Durham University to see whether dogs could help detect coronavirus
Call for hotels to shelter domestic abuse victims
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has coronavirus and UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock, Prof Chris Whitty . More self isolation.
update within two days of guidance for health workers on the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
Firefighters to drive ambulances in London
Birmingham Airport could be used as a temporary mortuary for up to 12,000 bodies

press conference:

  • PM Boris Johnson is still leading the UK's efforts to tackle the virus despite testing positive
  • UK infections doubling every three to four days
  • An alliance between government, research institutes and universities will provide more coronavirus tests for frontline workers - beginning this weekend
  • 33,000 hospital beds have now been freed up - or created in field hospitals - to treat patients
  • cancer patients will be able to continue their treatment at private hospitals
  • Mr Gove also suggested that "members of the central effort to defeat the virus" will receive testing as appropriate

3 extra large temporary hospitals planned and maybe 4
Army effort:

  1. Nightingale Hospital at the Excel Centre in London’s Docklands.
    capacity of between 4,000 and 5,000 beds
    open in the last week of March
  2. NEC centre in Birmingham.
    for England and Wales
    capacity for 5,000 beds
    open mid-April
  3. Convention Complex - formally GMEX - in Manchester
    1,000 beds
    open mid-April
  4. Scotland :Royal Engineers have visited the SECC in Glasgow as a possible site 

"Through the Covid Support Force, the Armed Forces have over 20,000 personnel including specialist planners, medics and logisticians ready to assist with the response to the outbreak."

Eight died, total to 33,
total positive 1,059
72 in IC

shut its borders from midnight on Friday
more than 3,000 Ukrainian citizens, who do not have transport, were waiting at crossing in Korczowa, in south-east Poland,

83,836 cases US Overtaking China (Johns Hopkins) Claimed: due to more testing
1,288 deaths
Proposal to deploy troops to the borders deemed by Canada completely unnecessary.
unemployment numbers 3.3 million
1.5 million N95 masks in a US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) warehouse
The US president has said the US will send the military to guard the Mexico border.
He signed the CARES Act, the single biggest economic relief package in American History – twice as large as any relief bill ever enacted. At $2.2 Trillion Dollars, this bill will deliver urgently-needed relief families, workers, and businesses.

New York
365 deaths
138,376 tested in New York (1 in 140)
Health system in New York at break down point

1 death

153 confirmed
indoor gatherings of more than 20 people and outdoor gatherings of 10 people banned

use US dollars again, reversing last year's ban on foreign currencies 
lockdown starts Monday


Researchers at Singapore's national agency A*STAR have so far claimed the quickest timing.
diagnostic test of five minutes. Hope approval in a month.

UK-based company Mologic Ltd say they've sent prototypes to
laboratories for a 10-minute coronavirus test. price $1,
 if the trials are successful available in June

Bosch - a common household name for many.
diagnostic test, in less than two and a half hours, available in Germany in April.

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