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Liesbeth List died

One of those days that you have to force...people to fold the t-towels, because they have a responsibility for their own house and home too... and when they are asleep you still find the towels... and when you look up a huge spider strolls along the ceiling like a coronahider walks in the early spring sun after 10 days isolation. And you vacuum the house, without being asked, because the vaccuumcleaner sucked up that spider...because you did it... and you are afraid that large spider will crawl out afterwards....


Liesbeth List has diedin het sleep last wednesday. She was 78.
Liesbeth had a relationship with Ramses Shaffy, like I used to have with Huub.
A firm friendship of two people who found a home in each other, which formed a huge inspiration for both.
I have always had utter respect for Elly Driessen, as het real name was. She had a hard childhood, and always kept that little bit of loneliness in everything she did.
She was a wonderful singer. The only one who could sing Jacques Brel's songs without me giving the feeling that I would rather hear the man himself.

I know a lot of her repertoire, but never sang it in public except for Shaffy Cantate and Pastorale.

Now they both have gone... Ramses died dec 2009.
But they both will stay in my mind forever.
Maybe one day I'll get the opportunity to sing her songs... who knows.

Her funeral is stripped down to the bare necessities, now the corona crisis forbids people to come together. When Ramses died, crowds paid their respects on the streets. Now people do it from their own home. One way or another it feels this belongs to her.
Be finally home, Liesbeth....
Be happy with Ramses...
In peace.....

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