Breaking News

The world in view: march 25

The Netherlands

14% of the freelancers worry about paying the rent.

Tomorrow a new campaign will be started about social distancing, called: alone,together.

Courts will stay closed after april 6

The first Dutch coronapatient is at work.

15.000 people have requested help to be fetched from abroad.
Most are still in Australia, New-Zealand, Morocco and Indonesia.
The government is trying to fetch people who are stranded abroad. Today a first flight arrived.
March 28, last flight by KLM from Surinam to Amsterdam.Then no flights until may 3. Surinam already closed it's airfield 2 weeks earlier, but this is about bringing people to The Netherlands.

A man of 28 who coughed people in the face: 8 weeks imprisonment +2.

Confiscated: 75.000 gloves, 1800 coveralls, 4000 overshoes en 50 masks. Gifted to GPs

Many schools have decided to exctend closure past april 6. Some until june 1.

Schiphol: stay away if possible

All social events that need a license planned before june 1 are cancelled.

Not all economical disasters will be prevented. Some businesses will have to close.

Busses need to be entered at the back entrance

Positives almost doubled in two days from 9 to 17. 1 is a careworker.


Weddings of more than 5 people forbidden.

researchers have developed a test for first screening. Results show after 15 minutes.  It is not very precise. 70%. But that's considered enough at the moment to provide some insight who to refer for better testing.
Those who test negative with this test should be retested anyway. So one wonders what it adds. It's an antibody test based on saliva.
The test will be used in Brussels next week.

In Belgium all travelers who land on Zaventem should be quarantained for 14 days.

Israel in lock down

683 died.  93 people admitted at the IC
Total 7503 doden, among them 31 careworkers.
Positives total 74.386.
Ignoring quarantainerules: max 5 year imprisonment.

New Zealand has declared the state of emergency and will go on lock down.

Poetin postponed referendum.
Next week people in non vital professions need to stay at home.

Now also Spain surpassed China with the amount of casualties, 3434.
China 3163.
China tested 81.661 positive. Spain 47.610.

A British producer of vaccuumcleaners (Dyson) has plans to produce ventilators. 10.000 are already ordered by the British government.
The BBC has decided to keep 450 from loosing their jobs. They're needed now.
The UK wants people to be able to test at home. The 3,5 million tests become available in a few days and careworkers will be able to buy them first.

number of cases to 54,453, with 737 deaths.

The USA will gift op 1000 à 1500 dollar per person for free.

The situation in New York is horrible. Some streets are closed now. People are advised to stay at home.
285 people died.
30.811 are tested positive, almost half of the amount of the USA.
The infection rate has decreased however from doubling in 2 days to doubling in 4,7 days.

Nurses and doctors are on strike as they have no protection. The ask a lock down.
Airfield personell have had contact with a positive tested person, but they have to contiinue working.
The official figures of 3 positive tested people are not trusted. Even though the government ordered the pubs and restaurants to close, they're still open.


Coronarecession is worse than the financial crisis of 2008

There are lots of online scams.

At noon Christians prayed, including the Pope.

Alpe d'HuZes postponed to june 2 2021

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