Breaking News

Some changes and a phone number

Due to new figures the high risk area's are changed into:
  • The whole of Italy (was Lombardy)
Singapore and Macau are removed  of the list because the increase of spreading shows inhibition.

So the guidelines are now:

  • Symptoms of a common cold
  • and/or 18,0 degrees Celsius or  higher body temperature.
  • contact with a Corona patient or
  • been a visitor of a Corona area:
    -- China (inclusief Hong Kong)
    -- Italy
    -- Iran
    -- South of Korea
Stay at home, recover, don'ty infect others, so keep a distance of others.
No need to call the GP. Mild symptoms can be a common cold.

But when your complaints increase:
  • a fever
  • a persistent cough or difficulty breathing

Call the GP.

In case of questions gotyo the site of the RIVM or call:
0800 - 13 51.

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