Breaking News

Press conference Crisis Committee

Crisis committee:

Due to new cases where causes can't be traced down.
Intensive care departments too much under pressure.
Healthcare facilities are not able to trace down, due to time and material limits.
Part of the cases can be traced to Germany, our neighbour.
It's pandemic.
Erasmus MC researches 
the virusses in detail, enabling tracing.
Northern Brabant hosts not one virus, but a mix.
That means there is a larger spread than one assumed.
Individual cases in Amsterdam and Rotterdam.

Lost grip on causes and sources.

Repression of virus based on recognition of patient and tracing contacts seems to be over.
Now mitigation stadium.
  1. Everybody stays at home when showing minor symptoms
  2. GP only when serious complaints.
  3. No meetings with more than 100 people.
  4. Work at home or spread work times.
  5. Visiting vulnerable people should be limited.
  6. Vulnerable people should not enter public traffic or places of many people.

More rules will be issued in due time.
Thanks to all careworkers and others in hospitals. Only stay at home when symptoms and fever.
Don't go abroad.
HBO and university: online teaching in large groups is better.
Lower forms of education: no measures. Not many kids affected. Consequences in society too large...

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