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I went into isolation a few days ago after a careful visits to one shop.
I didn't feel happy by the way people bended the guideliness to their own opinion.

In the shop the cashiere was hidden behind a plastic wall, with posters telling they wouldn't accept coins. The man before us gave coins and the girldidn't say a word and gave the change.
The boys put items on the floor before putting them on the shelves.
Andeven though a distance of 1.5 meters was required, one of the boys tried to pass me at such close proximity that I felt unsafe.
So when I was at home I filed a complaint. And it was taken serious.

I'm not someone who suffers from anxiety at all. So I was surprised by my reaction.
But imagine. My kids are staying away asmuch as possible, and then a complete stranger would send me to a grave.
I'be been fighting and battling heart- and kidney disease for 5.5 years until I was a kind of streetfighter, becoming a sharp and wellknown critic and then a virus would take me down because of the stupidity of a youngster?

But it was a goodmotivation to self-isolate.
Then today I saw the behaviour of people on TV. They visited the market like it was a normal day and almost no one kept the distance. Like they didn't understand what is going on.

I worked in the garden with my daughter. Made the two rosebows into an arbor.
Left attaching of the roses and berries for tomorrow.

In the evening Kate was reading how many people had died in Italy. More than 800 in one day.
She was touched,  and after all those days working hard en hearing numbers after numbers of died people and diseased people I cried.

Not long, but I felt sad for all those families, sad for friends who are alone, sad for friends who work in the hospital, sad because I see no meaning in this all.

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