Breaking News

Not all to the IC

Today people have been informed about the way triage for the IC is done when there are not enough places.
The usual way of medical deciding if someone will go there will be more strict.
Those who won't survive the IC in a good way won't be taken there.
Most people whom it concerns will know they won't get admitted at the IC.
I'm one of them... but I knew that before and that's why I tried to start the conversation earlier.
Asked about it during one of the first pressconferences.
Got no reactionfrom a politician, but got some from other people.

I think the euthanasia law should be extended for the time this Corona crisis lasts.
Instead of two independent doctors and all sorts of written stuff:
  • written statement by patient
  • Covid-19 diagnosis (either by test or doctor) with serious breathingproblems leading up to a referral to the IC 
  • which can't be granted.
  • written statement of agreement signed by patient, doctor and a third person
  • video or other moving imagery of at least 30 seconds of the patient.
  • complete files
  • notification to OM and RIVM

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