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A ball of bread


500 gr flower
10 gr salt
7 gr yeast powder/dry yeast
320 ml tepid water

Time: a lot. But you can do something fun in between.

Mix and pull, knead, as long until it gets elastic.
Turn it over in a greased bowl and put a t-towel or foil over it.

Wait about an hour

It's ready when a hole stays when you've put a finger in it.

Make flat by putting your fingers on it.
Then take the sides and put them in the middle.
Push it into a ball.

Leave it another 15 minutes under foil.

Form it in the way you want and place it another hour under foil
Might stay on a slightly warm place.

Take your ovenplate with baking paper.

Preheat the oven at 200 degrees celcius.

Put the ball of breaddough on the baking paper

If you wish, slice the top with a sharp knife.

Bake 35 minutes

Spray a bit of water in the oven to get a crispy outer layer.

When you tap the bottom of the bread and it sounds hollow, it is ready.

Let it cool on a roster.

You can adjust the recipe by putting extra filling in it.
Cheese, ham, or both.
Currants, etc

Some like to spray a bit of flower over the bread that is ready.

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