Breaking News

KH-Meme 6

  1. Do you like gardening?
  2. What is your favorite gardening TV program?
  3. What is your favorite flower in the home?
  4. What is your favorite flower outside?
  5. Do you use gloves when gardening?

The Keep Happy meme is a daily meme that will be found here on the site during the Corona crisis.
Today you'll get a few questions and it's upto you which one you'll answer or if you'll answer all. That's up to you.
Publish it in the comments, or on your site, providing a link to this site. Download the image under this and paste it on your own site. Put a message in the comments, so I can visit you.
Be aware not to direct link, because the link will die due to a change of name.
Give me the url in the comments so I can visit your answers.


See you tomorrow!!

1 comment:

  1. 1. Do you like gardening?
    Yes,but Idon'thave the time and at the moment I have no garden.
    2 .What is your favorite gardening TV program?
    3.What is your favorite flower in the home?
    I love tulips, red ones.
    4. What is your favorite flower outside?
    5.Do you use gloves when gardening?
    No,I never did.
