Breaking News

Daily report october 13, The Netherlands


New positives  :  7393  (6854)

To hospital       :   112

Deceased         :     34 (13)

At hospital   :  1410 (1298) 

At IC           :    277 (252)   

At C-ward   :  1233


  • Amsterdam (737)
  • Rotterdam (426)
  • Den Haag  (352) 

Last week:

New positives:43.903 (27.468) (total: 188.876)

To hospital :452 (total: 13.470)

Deceased: 147  (total: 6.631) Probably more.

6% increase in new positives.

% 13,8 (10,4)(2,9)(0,6)


Research has shown that the coronarules are not followed by a large number of people.

2 in 10 of the positives leave their homes like under normal circumstances. Infecting other people.

New rules are expected like closure of cafe's and restaurants, no alcohol sales in the evening, and less social encounters.


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