Breaking News

Daily report september 23, The Netherlands


New positives: 2364 (2247)

To hospital     : 32  (32)
Deceased       :   5  (10)

At hospital:  475 (420)
At IC         :  104 (91)
At C-ward :  371

The National Coordination center for Patient Spreading (Landelijk Coördinatiecentrum Patiënten Spreiding (LCPS)) has started again.

14 patients have been transported to other hospitals, one of them to another IC. It is expected that more patients will be moved the next days.

For the first time sinds end of the lock down  the number of IC admissions is higher than 10 per day, so higher than the signal value.
The infectionrate already got higher than the signal value.

Another 8 safetyregions will move up this week to level 2. (worrysome)

  1. Brabant-Noord,
  2. Brabant-Zuidoost,
  3. Gelderland-Zuid,
  4. Groningen,
  5. Zuid-Holland-Zuid,
  6. Gooi en Vechtstreek,
  7. Zaanstreek-Waterland
  8. Flevoland

Last friday 6 safety regions in the Western part of the country reached that level.
(There are 25 safety regions)

The number of positives is above 100.000.
There is an unknown number of infected people who haven't been tested.
It's estimated that about 1 million Dutch have been infected.

Amsterdam  (260)
Rotterdam  (155) 
Den Haag  (172)

Per 10.000 inhabitants (last 3 days)
Diemen (13,6)
Rozendaal (11,7)
Bergeijk (10,7). 


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