Breaking News

View on the world: April 19

2.3m+ positives,  160,000+ deaths

37,000 positives, 2,000 people deaths.

shops of up to 800 square metres (8,611 square feet), as well as car dealers and bike shops open their doors.

The Supreme Leader of Shia-ruled Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, said Muslims are not required to fast during Ramadan

195,944 positives, 20,453 deaths

The Netherlands
32.655 positives
9.704 admissions (past and present)
3684 deaths
The appathon resulted in the conclusion that there is no app that lives up to the privacy regulations.
A lot of attention for young people, suicide risk etc etc.
Not one word of catching up on medical issues for the elferly and other vulnerable.

16,060 deaths

  • The National Care Forum (NCF) estimates that more than 4,000 elderly and disabled people have died across all residential and nursing homes.
  • Care England, representing large care home providers in England, claims that there have been 7,500 more deaths in care home - from all causes - in the last two weeks than would be expected at this time of year.
  • Up to 40% of students have no computer at home or have a difficult environment to work in. 
  • There are more than 1.5 million people in the UK who are at the greatest risk of needing hospital treatment if they catch coronavirus.

746,000  positives, 41,000+ deaths
New York
Couples in New York will be able to apply for marriage licenses online, with clerks conducting the ceremonies virtually.

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