Breaking News

View on the world: April 13

  • WHO: coronavirus is 10 times deadlier than the swine flu pandemic of 2009 
  • Care homes are under investigation,in the USA and Canada too.
  • More European countries see a slight improvement

6,335 positives

30,589 positives, 3,903 deaths

3,341 deaths
108 new cases, 98 considered imported

A team in Colombia is to test a ventilator made with a Raspberry Pi computer and easy-to-source parts. The design and computer code were posted online in March by Marco Mascorro, a robotics engineer.

15,000 deaths
Lockdown until 11 May
From that date, all people with symptoms of coronavirus will be tested.

127,854 positives, 3,000 deaths

still not received some 500,000 rapid testing kits it ordered from China

imposed curbs on public transport ahead of Ramadan

less deaths

7,400 positives, 137 deaths

New Zealand
1,349 positives, 5 deaths

18,328 positives,
11,500 of the positives in Moscow

2,532 positives, 8 deaths
again a firm rise in positive cases through local transmission

South Korea
10,512 positives
South Korea will test everyone arriving from the US within three days of self-isolation.
at least 116 people initially cleared of the new coronavirus have tested positive again.

169.496 positives, 17.489 deaths
more deaths, less positives
people in construction and manufacturing can now finally return to work

The Netherlands
26.551 positives
8.729 admitted (past and present)
2.823 deaths

  • On St. Maarten alcohol is forbidden to prevent child abuse
  • GP's start registering 'hidden', not tested, coronadeaths.
  • Thurday production starts of the AIRone, a ventilator developed in three weeks by Delft students, under guidance of Prof. Jaar Harlaar. The Ministery of Health has expressed the intention to buy 500 .
  • Farmers are cutting of tulips and other springflowers so tourists won't come. The country is in Lock down, while tourists flood the flower fields, not respecting the rules.

85,208 positives, 11,329 deaths

  • nearly 200 members of the armed forces support ambulance staff 
  • mortuary suppliers have no stocks of standard body bags left for sale,
  • A coronavirus vaccine could be available for the general public by September, according to Professor Sarah Gilbert of vaccinology at Oxford University. But clinical trials still have to start.
  • 92 care homes have experienced a coronavirus outbreak in the last 24 hours.
  • Numbers of new cases and patients in hospital are levelling off.

557,663 cases, 22,000 deaths

US top health official Dr Anthony Fauci: The US could have "saved lives" if it had introduced a Covid-19 lockdown earlier.
First confirmed death from the USS Roosevelt, which has hundreds of confirmed cases.

New York State 
10,056 deaths


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