Breaking News

View on the world: April 11.

more than 1.7 million positives, 103,000 people have died.

19,638 positives, 1,056 deaths.

247 deaths

13,832 deaths

7,600 positives, 774 deaths
lockdown will be extended

152,271 positives, 19,468 deaths

113 deaths

South Korea
10,480 cases
57,000 people ignored stay-at-home orders

161,852 positives, 16,353 deaths
The daily death toll has dropped significantly

870 deaths
Prime Minister Stefan Löfven admitted that Sweden was not properly prepared for the pandemic

The Netherlands
24.413 positives
2.643 deaths
8.386 admissions (past and present)

10 februari an airplane filled with PPE was sent to Wuhan.
Researchers of the Radboud University concluded a small pilotstudy with a medicine to shorten hospital stay.

unexpected announcement of a two-day curfew in the large cities of Istanbul and Ankara

78,991 positives, 9,875.deaths,aged between 11 and 102 years old, 33 had no known underlying disease

  • Queen gave (first) easter message
  • The British Medical Association signals firmly that medics are unable to access PPE,
  • others state they have used more than necessary, leaving others without PPE.
  • 19 NHS workers have died from the virus so far
  • A new public information campaign  for vulnerable people at risk of domestic abuse will show them where to access services. An extra £2m has been allocated to domestic abuse helplines and online support
  • hospital admissions is "starting to flatten out" but not clear if they're over the peak. 
  • Crystal Stanley's Facebook group Rainbows in windows as a sign of "positivity, hope and togetherness" went global.
  • Fraudsters are exploiting coronavirus, she says, with losses to victims already exceeding £1.8m.

Northern Ireland 
1,717 positives, 107 deaths

5,590 positives, 542 deaths

2,000 deaths in a day
19,701 deaths in total
New York
The curve is flattening in the state of New York, though there have been another 783 deaths. Cuomo said it was “stabilising at an horrific rate… depicting incredible loss and pain”.

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